And They Lived Happily Ever After
2013 | Collage / Screenshots
This collage consists of a collection of screenshots from cinematic moments, each frame capturing the main protagonists in love. The images are selected to highlight the tender, intimate interactions that define their relationships. All screenshots have been standardized in size and converted to black and white to create a coherent collage.
This work was created during the early days of streaming services and torrent downloading, which provided easy access to a vast array of films. I was studying at the art academy at the time and suddenly had access to so many great movies to watch and connect with, right from my own home. For me, this work reflects a period in my early twenties when my passion for cinema was beginning to grow and I first started to discover love. These cinematic moments resonated deeply, shaping my perception of love’s beauty, complexity, and tenderness.
Please note that I do not own the copyright to the selected screenshots; they remain the property of their respective creators.
© All images and texts on this website: Ties van Dijk 2024. All Rights Reserved.